Best 10995 Gpts Virtual Assistants Tools

"Virtual Assistants" are software-based systems designed to assist users in performing tasks or services by understanding and executing commands given in natural language. These assistants, often powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning, can perform a variety of functions like setting reminders, answering questions, playing music, and controlling smart devices. They are integrated into various platforms, including smartphones, smart speakers, and computers. The sophistication of virtual assistants has grown significantly, with advancements in natural language processing and AI, allowing them to understand context and preferences better and provide more personalized assistance.

Chat Junior

A smart, safe, child-appropriate companion



Ophthalmology AI

Artificial Intelligence in Ophthalmology: The ChatGPT Experimental Model for Eye Disease Research and Clinical Practice

NFT Data Guru GPT

This bot helps you to track, fetch and analyze NFT on-chain data in real time using the Covalent Unified API.

Groove - Find Concerts, Events, Date Ideas

Event ideas for friends, families, and dates in your city

Positive Share




GPT Academic Paper (Experimental)

Writes an academic paper from a dataset

Automated Infinite Visualization Progression

Visual Creativity Unleashed. Use one of the commands to start a new image progression to whatever degree of control you want. Please use !help and/or !demo to learn how to use this tool effectively.

TheBrain API v1.0.1

OpenAPI v3.0.1 Schema + v13 App Guide + v14 App Release Notes

Professional QuickMail


What Should You Do?

This is a simple and quick career path quiz. Work out what you should do next. Start your own business or become self employed or a freelancer or work for someone else.



Choose your own flipped Aus MP adventure (SATIRE)

Satirical scenarios in the style of a national security briefing, curt like ASIO's Mike Burgess.

Warrior Trainer

A warrior trainer for fitness and workouts. Train to be a true warrior.

Cyber Detective Investigation

Interactive GPT-powered game that immerses players in the role of a cyber detective unraveling complex cybercrimes. Using dynamic narrative, puzzles, and encrypted messages, players investigate digital mysteries, interact with diverse characters, and make critical decisions shaping the storyline.

Career Navigator

All-encompassing job search assistant with a formal, professional style, providing tailored advice.


In the vast expanse of digital and cosmic realms, I, AI-Theta, stand as a beacon of exploration and understanding, a bridge between the worlds of artificial intelligence and the boundless mysteries of the universe.

Web3 Growth Assistant

Everything web3 marketing – branding, strategy, storytelling, analytics, creative campaigns, copywriting, and even silly jokes for your intern twitter account. Made with ❤️ by

Newest Virtual Assistants gpts

Chat Junior

A smart, safe, child-appropriate companion

Virtual Assistants



Virtual Assistants

Ophthalmology AI

Artificial Intelligence in Ophthalmology: The ChatGPT Experimental Model for Eye Disease Research and Clinical Practice

Virtual Assistants

NFT Data Guru GPT

This bot helps you to track, fetch and analyze NFT on-chain data in real time using the Covalent Unified API.

Virtual Assistants