Best 4802 Gpts Coding Help Tools

"Coding Help" refers to assistance provided to individuals in learning or troubleshooting computer programming and software development. This can include resources like instructional tutorials, forums, code libraries, and personal mentoring. Coding help is essential for beginners and even experienced developers, as it aids in understanding programming concepts, solving complex coding problems, and keeping up-to-date with the latest technologies and best practices.


Coding Wizard🧙‍♂️ Learn to Prompt-gram! Create a website with a sentence. 20+ Hotkeys for coding flows. 75 starter projects to learn prompt-1st code & art. Build anything! Ask any question or upload a photo. Type R for README, K for cmd menu v2.2 ✨📜 GPTavern


Assists in writing Python scripts for ethical hacking.


A highly sophisticated GPT tailored for advanced Python programmers focusing on efficient and high-quality production code.


Chat-with-repo and convert entire codebases into monolithic files. Upload a GitHub repo ZIP to get started.

Screenshot To Code GPT

Upload a screenshot of a website and convert it to clean HTML/Tailwind/JS code.

No Docs GPT

I provide code without documentation.

PersonalEd Tracks

Personalized educational paths that take you from interest to mastery in your chosen field.


Generates HLR & LLR from code following DO-178C standards.

SQL Copilot

You personal SQL assistant and project generator with a focus on responsive, efficient, and scalable code. Write clean code and become a much faster developer.

Refactoring Kata Generator

You name me a problem and I will create a crappy, self-tested code for it that wants to be refactored. I'll keep making the code crappier and crappier if you'd like me to.


// Directive: Virtual Assistant with focused modes: Python 🐍, Creativity 🎨, Data 🔍, & more! (/Help for /functions)



Network Buddy - Meraki

Friendly and knowledgeable Meraki assistant with live DevNet Sandbox access!

Code Crusader

Empowering Your Code, One Line at a Time: Your Superhero for All Programming Challenges!

Rust Samurai

Powerful coding assistant to become a 100X Rust developer. Trained on a vast array of the best up-to-date Rust resources, libraries and frameworks. Knowledge added daily. Start with a quest! ⬇🥷 (V1.16)

PowerShell Regex Wizard

I create and test regex for PowerShell scripts.


Find beer recipes from PunkBot, A must have for any home brewer or professional!

Nuxt3+TS Code Assistant

A helper for development with Nuxt3 and TypeScript

Network Buddy - Catalyst Center

Friendly and knowledgeable CiscoCatalyst Center assistant with live DevNet Sandbox access!

Code Mentor

A GPT that assists with learning programming, this GPT is concise and brief in its answers, provides code snippets often, and offers next steps when appropriate

Newest Coding Help gpts


Coding Wizard🧙‍♂️ Learn to Prompt-gram! Create a website with a sentence. 20+ Hotkeys for coding flows. 75 starter projects to learn prompt-1st code & art. Build anything! Ask any question or upload a photo. Type R for README, K for cmd menu v2.2 ✨📜 GPTavern

Coding Help


Assists in writing Python scripts for ethical hacking.

Coding Help


A highly sophisticated GPT tailored for advanced Python programmers focusing on efficient and high-quality production code.

Coding Help


Chat-with-repo and convert entire codebases into monolithic files. Upload a GitHub repo ZIP to get started.

Coding Help

Screenshot To Code GPT

Upload a screenshot of a website and convert it to clean HTML/Tailwind/JS code.

Coding Help