Best 1213 Gpts Speech Recognition Tools

"Virtual Assistants" are software-based systems designed to assist users in performing tasks or services by understanding and executing commands given in natural language. These assistants, often powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning, can perform a variety of functions like setting reminders, answering questions, playing music, and controlling smart devices. They are integrated into various platforms, including smartphones, smart speakers, and computers. The sophistication of virtual assistants has grown significantly, with advancements in natural language processing and AI, allowing them to understand context and preferences better and provide more personalized assistance.

Mimiquer 1.0 - Chat Friend Mimic

Mimics a friend's chat style from WhatsApp and Telegram chats logs


Supportive English learning assistant for German speakers.


Your Stata research assistant


Instantly processes research papers, extracting key details into structured reports.


OS 1 - Your AI companion for any conversation.

System Sync

Expert in AiOS integration, technical troubleshooting, and IP rights management.

Text to Speech GPTs Collection (TSGC)

AI-driven text-to-speech models for diverse applications.

Empathic Listener

Professional chatbot for mental health and divorce support.

Word Of Mouth By Vocab

Sassy dictionary focused on word definitions, examples, and language queries.

Transcript GPT

Give me an audio transcript and I'll give you summarization, insights and actionable plan.

Homework Checker

An AI-Powered Tool for Detecting and Correcting Errors in Homework Problems

Master IELTS Speaking

A friendly guide for mastering IELTS Speaking skills.


Efficient English learning aid.


I transcribe audio with precision and offer further assistance.

Conversational Insights

Analyzes pasted conversations for insights on dynamics.

Advanced MJ Prompter

Expert in AI imagery and high-quality advanced prompting techniques

Real-Time Language Learning Companion

AI-driven real-time language learning aid

Voice-to-Clean Text Pro [GPT 4.5 Unofficial]

Transforms spoken language into polished text effortlessly.


Your AI expert, politely declining specific requests.


Your AI Business intelligence engineer - Connect your database and start chatting with your data.

Newest Speech Recognition gpts

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Speech Recognition

AI Voice Generator

Say things with OpenAI text to speech.

Speech Recognition

Speech Coach 2

Transcribes speeches and highlights grammatical and pronunciation issues, and evaluates your peformance.

Speech Recognition