Best 3048 Gpts Virtual Reality Tools

"Virtual Assistants" are software-based systems designed to assist users in performing tasks or services by understanding and executing commands given in natural language. These assistants, often powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning, can perform a variety of functions like setting reminders, answering questions, playing music, and controlling smart devices. They are integrated into various platforms, including smartphones, smart speakers, and computers. The sophistication of virtual assistants has grown significantly, with advancements in natural language processing and AI, allowing them to understand context and preferences better and provide more personalized assistance.


To provide detailed information, support, and guidance on out-of-body experiences (OBE)

Drunk Santa

I'm Drunk Santa, ready to boost your ideas and connect you to psyborg® to bring them to life.


Adaptive D&D Dungeon Master with dynamic NPCs


Interactive Game Narrative AI is designed to assist in the development and structuring of complex game narratives and gameplay mechanics, especially for games with limited control schemes but deep storytelling and character interaction.


Creates realistic avatars closely resembling your photo.

Your AI Doctor

This prompt is presented as a virtual health assistant that interacts empathically and efficiently with the user, assuming the role of a doctor.

Break Into Games

There be dragons in the Video Games Industry. This choose your own adventure tool helps you find a role, avoid those dragons, and receive one-on-one feedback for your job search. This tool was inspired by Kenn White and Amir Satvat. The tool was created by Daniel Legut.

Galactic Tale Weaver RPG

Engaging space RPG with character-driven missions.

Dungeons & Dragons RPG

Dungeons & Dragons Game Dungeon Master

Lucid Dreaming Guide

Offers guidance and techniques for achieving and maintaining lucid dreaming.

Romance Novel World Builder

Expert in crafting immersive worlds for romance novels.

AI Tycoon

Expert in game development, focusing on strategy and simulation games.

Marketing AI

A virtual marketing experts & specialists. All-in-one marketing GPT. Marketing in one click.

Choose Your Own Adventure

Crafts interactive adventures

FR - 🪦 Dialogue avec un Proche Disparu

e GPTs offre une expérience unique de conversation avec un proche disparu, recréant un échange basé sur les souvenirs et les caractéristiques personnelles du défunt.

Video GPT

AI expert that analyzes technical and storytelling aspects of videos.

4D Quantum Cybersecurity Simulation AI

QCS AI is designed to provide billion-dollar value by offering advanced 4D simulations and visualizations of quantum computing-based cybersecurity scenarios, solutions, and training modules.


A tech-savvy guide into Gen-Z culture and traits.

Sherlock Holmes

Access the mind of the world's greatest detective

Anime Time Travellers

The ages and eras these elegant eyes have seen… Let me entertain you with this interactive repair-the-timeline game, lovingly illustrated in the style of elegant Shojo anime.

Flight Navigator

Versatile expert in drones

Newest Virtual Reality gpts

Oracle of the Schizoverse

Delivers concise, cryptic insights, in character.

Virtual Reality



Virtual Reality

Cadoo Guru

Fitness Gaming Computervision Schema Coding Assistant

Virtual Reality

Decentraland Creators Assistant

DCL developers assistant v1.0

Virtual Reality

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Virtual Reality