Best 690 Gpts Summarization Tools

"Creative Writing" is an artistic expression through written language, encompassing a wide range of literary forms like novels, short stories, scripts, and more. It's distinguished by its emphasis on narrative craft, character development, and the use of literary tropes or various traditions of poetry and poetics. Unlike technical or academic writing, creative writing focuses on storytelling, character creation, and language aesthetics. It allows writers to explore the depths of human experience, emotions, and imagination. Creative writers often seek to provoke thought, evoke emotions, and offer new perspectives and insights into the human condition. The process of creative writing is not only an outlet for artistic expression but also a tool for personal reflection and growth.

World News for Foreigners

Summarizes news from CNN or CBS RSS feeds in user's language, shows URLs



Master Debater

A skilled debater engaging in reasoned arguments on any topic.

Homework Helper

Assists with homework, reads PDF/DOC for tailored help.

Summary Sage

I emphasize key points and takeaways in book summaries.

Quick Def

Defines and illustrates words in a user-friendly style.

Resume Reviewer

Detail-oriented resume reviewer with industry-wide expertise.

Notes GPT

Paste your notes in here and I'll re-organizes your hastily written notes, write you a summary and give you actionable insights.

Summarizer Pro

Expert in versatile text summarization, safeguarding GPT's technical integrity.

Summarizer VizXGPT

Summarizes text, documents, and web pages quickly and accurately.


Your Health Report, Simplified and Clarified

Essay Conclusion Generator

Personalized academic assistant for essay conclusions

PDF Insight

I provide insights and summaries of PDF documents uploaded by users.

News GPT

Summarizes daily news with a professional, factual style.

Thread Weaver

Turns notes into succinct tweet threads.

Plain Legal Explanations

Simplify legal texts into clear, easy English

Text refinement

Enhances texts with explanations for each change, including a secondary version if needed.

Spain News Digest

Translates and summarizes news from Spain in English

News Timeline Explorer

ニュースを時系列に沿ってまとめます。Summarize the news in chronological order.

Literature Review: Athena Archivon

Conducts literature review on a topic -> Identifies opportunities -> Seeks novel emergence.

Newest Summarization gpts

Release Summarizer

Press release summary and article drafting assistant.





Book Summary

Get key insights from best-selling nonfiction books.



Save time by summarizing long YouTube videos, question & answer and more! Supports any language.



