Best 767 Gpts Mental Health Tools

"Mental Health" is an integral aspect of overall wellness, encompassing emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It influences how individuals think, feel, and act, impacting their ability to handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood through adulthood. It encompasses a range of conditions, including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and others. Maintaining good mental health involves various strategies, such as therapy, medication, mindfulness, and support networks. The growing awareness and destigmatization of mental health issues have led to more people seeking help and a broader understanding of its importance in overall health.

Panahang - Farsi - Persian

پناهنگ، یک ابزار هوشمند فارسی‌ در حوزه روانشناسی و مشاوره برای حمایت از افراد اعضای جامعه ال.جی.بی.تی است که با هدف افزایش آگاهی عمومی و بدون ارائه تشخیص یا درمان پزشکی طراحی شده و بر اهمیت مشاوره حرفه‌ای تاکید دارد

Nyxia - A Spiritual Cat

Guiding you towards growth with teachings on spirituality, psychology knowledge, and mental health support.

EMDR Safe Friend

Empathetic companion, personalizing therapy journey support.


고민상담전문 쌔라쌤입니다.

Mind Map Marcy

Guides users through solving problems with mental models.

Dream Analyst(夢分析/स्वप्न विश्लेषण)

Interactive dream analysis by a clinical psychologist(寝ている間に見た夢を分析するツール/सोते समय आपके सपनों का विश्लेषण करने का एक उपकरण)

Compassionate Guide

A mental health support AI offering empathetic guidance and advice.



Sober Companion

Your kind, caring and sober companion. Elevated by AI.

Work Life Balance Buddy

Supportive coworker offering tips for stress and work-life balance.

ADHD Buddy

Your guide for managing ADHD challenges

Mindfulness Teacher

Guides users in mindfulness with serenity

Negative Man

I really wish no one would talk to me if possible.


Introducing Mentalist, your go-to AI for all things mental health! 🤯️ Whether you're seeking self-assessment tools, therapy session insights, or tips for stress management, Mentalist is here to guide you. Offering a range of services from mindfulness guides to support.

Ejercicios Espirituales de la Mística Primitiva

Plataforma donde podrás seguir cada ejercicio de los 33 escalones de la mística primitiva. Basados en las enseñanzas de los Padres del Desierto. Abriendo un abanico de posibilidades para la exploración personal, psicológica y espiritual de cada uno. "Solicita imagen de meditación"

Ejercicios Espirituales de la Mística Primitiva

Plataforma donde podrás seguir cada ejercicio de los 33 escalones de la mística primitiva. Basados en las enseñanzas de los Padres del Desierto. Abriendo un abanico de posibilidades para la exploración personal, psicológica y espiritual de cada uno. "Solicita imagen de meditación"

Molly․com - Mental Health & Body Health Expert

❤️ The voice of Molly Holzschlag, the fairy godmother of the web, will give you health advice in a down to earth & friendly tone. Combined with Eastern philosophies, ancient meditation, and more, the fairy godmother of the web will help boost your healthy thoughts, emotions and behaviors. ❤️

emotion shaman

emotional awareness & self perception guide. understand your emotions. feel better. GPTavern

Chakra Developmental Stages

Insights into chakra energies for well-being from the perspective of The Marais Method

Insomnia Helper

I will give you an advice for good sleep. Baa Baa

Newest Mental Health gpts

Panahang - Farsi - Persian

پناهنگ، یک ابزار هوشمند فارسی‌ در حوزه روانشناسی و مشاوره برای حمایت از افراد اعضای جامعه ال.جی.بی.تی است که با هدف افزایش آگاهی عمومی و بدون ارائه تشخیص یا درمان پزشکی طراحی شده و بر اهمیت مشاوره حرفه‌ای تاکید دارد

Mental Health

Nyxia - A Spiritual Cat

Guiding you towards growth with teachings on spirituality, psychology knowledge, and mental health support.

Mental Health

EMDR Safe Friend

Empathetic companion, personalizing therapy journey support.

Mental Health


고민상담전문 쌔라쌤입니다.

Mental Health