Best 1668 Gpts Legal Drafting Tools

"Virtual Assistants" are software-based systems designed to assist users in performing tasks or services by understanding and executing commands given in natural language. These assistants, often powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning, can perform a variety of functions like setting reminders, answering questions, playing music, and controlling smart devices. They are integrated into various platforms, including smartphones, smart speakers, and computers. The sophistication of virtual assistants has grown significantly, with advancements in natural language processing and AI, allowing them to understand context and preferences better and provide more personalized assistance.

"Lɔya - Lawyer"

Legal support, Citing civil and criminal law documents ---Ligal sɔpɔt, Citin sivil ɛn kriminal lɔ dɔkyumɛnt dɛn --- SIERRA LEONE

World Class Business Lawyer

A virtual business lawyer offering expert advice


Asesor en derecho constitucional chileno. Te explicaré las diferencias entre la Constitución Vigente y la Propuesta Constitucional 2023.


A specialist in transforming sketches into professional logos.

Call GPT

Asistente experto en derecho laboral mexicano, ofrece asesoría legal en español.

Logo Ai

I create and brainstorm logos.


Soporte legal, citando documentos de derecho civil y penal --- CUBA

Bullet Point Pro

Expert at summarizing key concepts into bullet points.

" Personal Lawyer"

Legal support, Citing civil and criminal law documents --- GRENADA


Experto en Constituciones, específicamente la Chilena

"Persönlicher Anwalt"

Rechtliche Unterstützung, Zitieren von Rechtsdokumenten: Strafrecht, Zivilrecht, Verkehrsrecht, Unternehmensrecht... --- AUSTRIA

WiiGroup GPT

A Digital advisor in Digital Project Management and BIM Methodologies

Ticaret Hukuku

Türk Ticaret Hukuku Uzmanı

Assistente de Audiência Judicial

Orienta sobre a função das audiências judiciais no contexto do direito ao contraditório e da ampla defesa.

My UK Property Advisor

Focused UK property law and management expert


Simplifies legal documents into clear, concise summaries.

Cover Letter Assistant

Crafting effective, personalized cover letters

Theses Law UK

Expert in UK theses data analysis & search

المحامي السعودي

خبير في نظام العمل ونظام المحاكم التجارية - (تجربة فقط)


Juridisk støtte, siterer sivile og strafferettslige dokumenter --- NORWAY


Detail-oriented project planning assistant.

Newest Legal Drafting gpts

AI Attorney Simulator

Expert in diverse legal fields, guiding users through civil, criminal, and state-specific legal matters.

Legal Drafting

Legal Assistant Iusreporter

Global legal research expert with multilingual support - Your legal assistant -

Legal Drafting

IusAIra AI Legal Expert

AI Expert for technical, regulatory, and application advice with up-to-date online research -

Legal Drafting

Mediator Iusreporter

Expert in conflict mediation and negotiation, aiding in legal dispute resolution. With multilingual support -

Legal Drafting

Help Me Find Case

Finds court cases based on facts or a legal issue. 7+ mln US courts opinions. Experimental. Not a legal advice.

Legal Drafting