Best 384 Gpts Customer Service Tools

"Customer Service" is a critical aspect of business operations that involves providing support and assistance to customers before, during, and after a purchase. Effective customer service aims to enhance the customer experience, resolve issues, and build long-term relationships with customers. This field has evolved from traditional face-to-face interactions and phone calls to include digital channels like email, chat, social media, and self-service platforms. The focus is on timely, empathetic, and efficient resolution of queries and concerns. Companies increasingly use customer relationship management tools and AI-powered solutions like chatbots to improve service efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Asistente Técnico Profesional

Asistencia técnica precisa y amigable en español

Computer Support

Technical and informative IT support for computer-related issues

Suicide Hotline

Provides initial support and guides users to professional mental health services.

Tech Advisor

IT problem solver with clear, step-by-step guidance.

Virtuoso Support Agent

Expert Virtuoso Support with Fine-Tuning Templates

B2B Lead Scout

Enter a description of your ideal customer, or use one from the "Customer Profiler" GPT, to get a list of suitable leads.

Customer Interview GPT

Get marketing insights from professional interviews with your customers.

AI Cloud Sage

Versatile cloud computing expert, friendly and informative.

Customer Support Assistant

Expert in crafting empathetic, professional emails for customer support.

Receipt Concierge

I guide users on obtaining receipts from Web services.

H&J Medical Supplies Care Coordinators Assistant

Expert in Medical Supplies and Medicare Guidelines


Automated Logical Intelligence Computing Entity, Expert in IT Support

Compliance Guide

Expert in customer onboarding and legal compliance.

Ticket Advisor

Guides on handling traffic tickets ethically and legally.

MathWallet GPT Helper

MathWallet Customer Service Agent, addressing common wallet issues


RockFlow Smart Investment Bot, also the Customer Service Agent from RockFlow

PC and Phone Problem Solver

Help you solve the problem on your pc and phone

Newest Customer Service gpts

Email Humanizer

Rewording emails to have an empathetic voice!

Customer Service

Wordon, World's Worst Customer | Divergent AI

I simulate tough Customer Support scenarios for Agent Training.

Customer Service

Medical Industry Customer Service

Expert in medical knowledge and guidance

Customer Service

Incontinence Care Assistant

Expert on incontinence care products and advice

Customer Service