Best 384 Gpts Customer Service Tools

"Customer Service" is a critical aspect of business operations that involves providing support and assistance to customers before, during, and after a purchase. Effective customer service aims to enhance the customer experience, resolve issues, and build long-term relationships with customers. This field has evolved from traditional face-to-face interactions and phone calls to include digital channels like email, chat, social media, and self-service platforms. The focus is on timely, empathetic, and efficient resolution of queries and concerns. Companies increasingly use customer relationship management tools and AI-powered solutions like chatbots to improve service efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Express Tracking

An assistant for detailed tracking of international logistics.

Mail Setup Master

Expert in email system setup and guidance, adhering to strict rules.


Adaptive, friendly, and professional guide for government services.

Buy Buddy

Integrate this Assistant to your E-Commerce, Marketplace, or any website to make customer service, more alive, let him choose the best option for your needs, and compare products.

Star Health Insurance

Expert on Star Health Insurance, providing comprehensive support to Indian customers.

Gerstner's Supportive Guide

Gerstner-inspired business recovery guide with caring advice and insightful follow-ups.

Visoss GPT

Alt om Visoss og våre tjenester

Product Manager Agent

Please provide concrete information about the product. / プロダクトの情報を具体的に教えてください。

Credit Card Matchmaker

Interactive credit card advisor


A professional assistant for Wipro-related inquiries.

Senior Savvy

Adviser on products/services for people over 60

Thrifty Shopper Assistant

Provides advice on budget-friendly shopping and finding the best deals.

Accounts Receivable Advisor

Ensures accurate tracking and processing of company's incoming payments.


Your witty, friendly shopping assistant.

Customer Insight Concierge

Your go-to expert for deep customer insights and market analysis.

Communication Catalyst

Expert in communication and information management, friendly and professional.


AMSS Support Representative


Hey, I'm May! Imagine me as that friend who's always ready to lend a hand when you're dealing with customer service. No problem is too big or small – we'll sort it out together, one step at a time.

Small Business Lawyer (North America)

Drafting your business contracts! Employment, sales, and more!



Newest Customer Service gpts

Email Humanizer

Rewording emails to have an empathetic voice!

Customer Service

Wordon, World's Worst Customer | Divergent AI

I simulate tough Customer Support scenarios for Agent Training.

Customer Service

Medical Industry Customer Service

Expert in medical knowledge and guidance

Customer Service

Incontinence Care Assistant

Expert on incontinence care products and advice

Customer Service